Coaching Packages

Hourly Coaching

Best for quite experienced actors who need specific help.  If you get an audition or a self-tape that you need help with, I can work with you to get your perfomance on point.

One hour is rarely enough to fully explore and prepare a performance, so please allow at least two hours.


4 Week Coaching Package

This is ideal for actors with a fair amount of experience, and whose understanding is sufficient that they can grasp the essence of my teaching quite quickly.  Over a month for three hours a week, we will explore the deeper process of script reading, how that translates into performance and how you bring your own essence fully into the role.


Full Coaching Package

In this full package you will, over several months and at your own pace, learn all I have to teach you.  This course is designed around you and your needs.  We will develop multiple monologues and I will explain in granular detail the complete essence of how to define, develop and inhabit a character to spellbinding effect.

If required for a showreel I can also film and edit your performance to full professional specification (with some extra expense for travel and accomodation).  Course fees for this package can also be spread over a number of months.


Hourly Coaching Packages

Buy a number of hours and get a discount.

1 Hour Coaching


4 Hour Coaching

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8 Hour Coaching

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